Friday, August 8, 2014

Conserve Water

       Wanted: Water for survival!

Water is practically everywhere. In fact, over 75% of our planet is made up of water, but only a little percentage of it is potable and is usable for daily activities. But as societies grow and technologies rise, it is our duty to save the scarce resources—wherein water belongs—that could be slowly fading away at this day and age.

Every drop counts.
Water at its current state is abundant in the country but is rare in some parts of the world. In some parts of the Middle East, people buy water with an expensive price, while they recycle it in Singapore. Here in the Philippines, water is practically everywhere that is why we tend not to care whenever it is wasted.

Water is a daily necessity that is why it shouldn’t be taken for granted. It may be abundant but it is limited. We should be grateful that we are able to drink water eight times a day or so, or utilize freely when we bathe, or brush our teeth, or wash the dishes, or the clothes, or whatsoever actions that involve water.

In connection with this, there is a need within each one of us to be catalysts of nature in our own little ways, because our contributions, no matter how small, will save the next generation, and furthermore, the human race.

       Conserve water.

How to save water

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