Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Newspaper Layouting: Not Just Some Work

Our different layouts
As for a student collaborative writer, lay-outing papers are not just some work, but a way of life. I, myself have ventured the art of honing perfect-looking papers for high school throughout the years, and since opportunity finally had the courage to show up, it might be the time to take some advantage of this humble talent.

The first layout of the team's collaborative publishing layout artist
Just recently jet-lagged from the national campus press tilt, the annual NSPC, when I was dumbfounded after halting to a realization that my teammates could have a chance to embrace the great probability of vying for the Collaborative Publishing victory come DSPC 2013 and even make it big in the regionals.

Collaborative Publishing is a new, fun and exciting press-con group event composed of seven members, each in English and Filipino mediums in elementary and secondary that are tasked to produce a four-page publication that contains a news page, an editorial page, a feature page, and a sports page.

Since my field of expertise specializes in Copyreading and Headline Writing, I could not enter myself in such event and had to select a few to be taught of. The way I see it, this was a hard job for me, but summer will be a great start to prepare the chosen team. "The more you practice, the less you bleed in battle," cliche that still brings incessant inspiration to us campus journos.

So what I did is start first on the lay-outing over the first week of the tear-jerking col-pub session. I have presented some of my works where my trainee may draw inspiration in creating her own design. I thought this could get far but the potential is clearly evident with her work that I am amply satisfied with it for a first-timer.
My layout for our school publication


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