The 66th Ateneo College Fiesta

Ateneans enjoyed the three-day festivity as they embrace the Feast of Our Lady of Assumption.

Conserve Water

Water is a daily necessity but it is limited that's why it shouldn't be taken for granted.


The Official Student Publication of the Ateneo de Davao University

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Monday, January 21, 2013

Golden Jubilee: A Look Back

Grandeur and ecstacy. Exciting words. It is as though obnoxious problems were atleast nonexistent and pressing matters were left behind, nonetheless, nervousness came lurching around my stomach as to what would likely be the comeout.
People were frolicking under the scorching heat of the sun. Coupled with great excitement, each was extravagant to make this illustrious event a success - indeed it turned out one.

Sweats and tears were invested through the months. Productivity was honed as each threw a helping hand to make th biggest preparation possible. Ambiance is taking its time to a massive growth before the final date - October.
Communities around the globe, especially in social networking sites such as Facebook, seemed to be already preoccupied with nothing else but the feast before it was even framed.
Such organization upheld all the activities to make the three-day celebration last long. I seemed to have found the statement a fact - the Association of Cateel Maryknollians, Inc. (ACMI) was indeed behind the success of my Alma mater’s fiftieth anniversary, or should I say Maryknoll Academy of Cateel’s greatest milestone to date.

It was as though another People Power Revolution materialized around the vicinity of Cateel Centennial Park as thousands of men and women paraded in yellow during the beginning of the Golden Jubilee celebration.
October 26 marked a yellow day as people in every aspect applauded in cheers for the institution’s golden harvest. It was as though late former President Corazon Aquino has visited the place for democracy campaign.
The Drum and Bugle Corp. members have showcased a spectacular series of performance in all-new outfits that fitted the occasion (dressed in a combination of black, blue, and gold).

Cries of applause shuddered at every respect as Performing Artists from the well-anticipated MAC Dancetroupe showcased a hundred and ten percent performance, leaving the crowd astonished.
The Golden Jubilee cauldron was lit by the great fire ablazed in torches beared by ACMI officers after the well-rehearsed MAC Boy Scouts have successfully presented their Fancy Drill Exhibition.

Globetrotting was simply the word to describe in the exceptionally well-built kiosks which stood a mini barrio inside a school ground.
The scenery appeared to be a smaller version of the renowned Kadayawan Festival of Davao City - vivid, truly one of a kind.
Forty-six batches Maryknoll has produced tried to outshine each other as the spirit of competitiveness has mingled with the atmosphere.

More on MAC RiverViews Vol.10 No.1

Despite the Hardships and Trials

Barely two months have passed when the massive Pablo (Bopha) aftermath has left a traumatic occurrence amidst a place typhoon-free then, yet fate seems to challenge it's people's strengths on how far they can go.

The wound the typhoon left merely became a scar to the Cateeleño people, nevertheless remained the emotional shock.

Families affected increased unfortunately due to yesterday's heavy rainfall which triggered vast flash floods among low-lying areas in remote barrios of Cateel, Davao Oriental, even including parts of Davao City wherein many fatalities are reported.

But regardless of the fact that Cateel nearly died out, still another concrete example as shown in the photo keeps on pushing the municipality's limits to strive hard in order for its residents to fully say "I survived..."

Photo credits: Mr. Aldrin Castro

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Photoshop Fun: Magazine Covers

It was hard for me to pass time during the massive destruction of typhoon Pablo (Bopha) with no Internet connections and at first, cellular phone signals. So, I made some mag covers from old photos stored in my laptop.

Can you rate these covers 1-5 so I can work on some improvements?
5 - Epic!
4 - Very Good!
3 - Acceptable.
2 - Hideous!
1 - TROLL - is this what you call a mag cover?!

I'll be waiting!

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Friday, January 11, 2013

iSurvive: 1-month Isolation from the Internet

It's been a month since I last involved myself in the wide wired world of Internet. 
Reason? Cateel, Davao Oriental is just plain isolated from Internet (signal?!?!).

Regional Schools Press Conference 2012 was moved on January 2013 (now RSPC 2012-13) in the hope that Campus Journalists around Davao Oriental and Compostela Valley would be able to join amidst such aftermath.

Yes, Pablo (Bopha) indeed made survivors much stronger. Hope our team can snag some wins in RSPC Davao.

(Go, Maryknoll Academy of Cateel team!)

[Photo Credits: Errol Kim Cabrera]